
I went searching for my wedding underwear today. I found the whole experience exhausting. Driving into town, finding my way into and around St Enoch's car park, then negotiating the shops. I always find shopping hard on my own. Since I first became ill, I find myself sensitive to the bright lights, noisy music and the crowds; it makes shopping very tiring. I had a bra fitting last week at Frasers and was shocked at my size - any woman reading this - get yourself measured -Marks and Spencers were way off with my fitting last year. So I traipsed the department stores and eventually settled for a bra I tried on last week. Typical. But at least I'd had a look around and I was seriously unimpressed. I love my underwear but it took a while to find as the choice available is awful. If you are a bride the chances of you looking like a reject from a 1980s Whitesnake video are high. Bridal lingerie is all high-waisted thongs, suspender belts and lace everywhere. See Madonna photo for an example of the frills available. Perhaps lingerie designers are inspired by Madonna's Like a Virgin look, how apt for a bride.....
I was glad to get in the car and drive home. The car park at St Enochs is like the entry to the bowels of hell - bad lighting and dark corners, and you drive round and round in the flickering neon until you find a space. I find this really hard because my car has no power steering and my arms ache. So driving out was tiring and creepy. I am grateful that I can get out to the shops, but I long for the day when I can leave them satisfied and with an aching purse, not an aching body.
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