Pass me my cape, for I am the Ratcatcher!

We went to B&Q and bought two humane mouse traps and set them up. This afternoon, I was chatting away on MSN when I felt something tickle my foot - I looked down to see Jeemy (we named him after the mouse in Oor Wullie) sitting looking rather gallous. So, I chased him around for ten minutes, at the same time on the phone to Fiona (who had gone home) to give me some courage until I trapped him under a plastic bin. I slid him towards the door and used the door mat as a cover. Thankfully, I managed to get him out the house and into the garden. He promptly ran for cover, but hung around near the front door. I looked outside a few minutes later to find him chewing on a dead worm and decided - you are on my patch son, time to move on. So, out I went, scooped him up into the bin -bear in mind these are fast fast creatures, I don't know how I did it - and walked round the corner a few hundred yards to the church garden and let him off. I pray he finds peace and does not come back!
After my hassle with the weevils (all gone now!) I am really not happy with my vermin problems. The neighbours must have thought I'd lost it when I was shaking bits of paper out - to get rid of weevils - so now they see me wandering around with a bucket at arms length.....
I need to go for a lie down now. Far too much excitement for one day. What superhero suits me better - Ratcatcher or Dangermouse?
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