It feels like a very productive time here at Nivlack towers. We are busily preparing ourselves for the Big Day and I think we have nearly finished all the preparation. I am now very excited. For some reason flicking through bridal magazines makes me feel exhilarated and smug as I compare my dress and accessories to the Perfect Brides in print. My sister-in-law to be Audrey likes to give me regular time updates - 12 weeks, 8 weeks and today - 11 days! Oh my, no longer a Niven, no longer a Nivlack (my newest nickname, thank you Claire!) but a Mrs Black. I cannot wait!

So after a day of errands Lee helped me to prepare my latest goodies. Two prints from one of my favourite artists, The Black Apple put into new frames. I decorated the frames with buttons I received from Alice in the Matchbox Swap organised by Marceline. I am now hanging my favourite jewellery from the buttons. I think they look fab on my Disco wallpaper. (I cannot tell you how much I love my bedroom wallpaper.) Here's the lovely little box that arrived in the post. How cute!
It was the BEST post day ever. I took ages just opening each
letter/parcel. I had the little matchbox, a parcel from The Black Apple and my allergy test results. I am now cutting out wheat, rye, dairy (including eggs), barley and almonds. And cola nut. Not that I drink cola anyway. It's hard going but my stomach problems have improved dramatically, so long may it last! I am off to begin my latest creative project and will update very soon......

Labels: black apple, bride, food allergy, matchbox, wallpaper, wedding